PERUNTHALAIVAR KAMARAJAR ARTS COLLEGE                                              Home    About us   Vision & Mission Chairman's Message Member Secretary's Message Principal's Desk Governing Body Organizational Chart Logo of the College Office Admistration  RTI      Departments    Department of Tamil Department of Mathematics Department of Tourism   Department of Computer Applications  Department of Commerce   Faculty      Admission   Admission Process View Prospectus College Rules & Regulations     Courses   Infrastructure    Library   Computer Laboratory  Play Ground  Ladies Retiring Room  Auditorium  Language Lab  Facilities       Activities    NIRF  ARIIA  Career Guidance & Placement Cell   RotaractClub  NSS  RUSA  Red Ribbon Club   Youth Red Cross     IQAC   NAAC   Circulars   Gallery   Media College     Contact us           Library         Infrastructure Library          This institution is facilitated with a library which contains a number of books on the subjects of study along with Periodicals, Magazines and Daily Newspapers both in Tamil and English.This College Library has been automated through MODERNLIB software with Bar code Technology. It is maintained properly by a qualified Assistant Librarian. The total number of books available at present are 7494 in Tamil, Mathematics, Tourism, History, Computer Science, English, Commerce, Encyclopedia, General knowledge, Competitive Examination etc. Reading Room is also provided with two computers with Internet Connectivity for the use of students at free time. Our College library is facilitated with the "Book Bank Scheme" for the welfare of Schedule Caste Students. Each Student has the facility of taking two more books apart from the usual two books taken on tickets. He/She can retain the books till the end of each semester. He/She can take another two books only after returning the books which were already taken.

  Faculty Profile           Mr. V. Anbarasan  B.Sc., MLIS., M.Phil., UGC-NET., PGDCA.  ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN       SUBJECT NUMBER OF BOOKS AVAILABLE    MATHS 1260   TAMIL 3234   ENGLISH 826   TOURISM 531   COMPUTER SCIENCE 563   COMMERCE 591   REFERENCE 242   GENERAL & OTHERS 247                    Copyright©2017,Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Arts College. All Rights Reserved Powered by TECHCELLENT SOLUTIONS