PERUNTHALAIVAR KAMARAJAR ARTS COLLEGE                                              Home    About us   Vision & Mission Chairman's Message Member Secretary's Message Principal's Desk Governing Body Organizational Chart Logo of the College Office Admistration  RTI      Departments    Department of Tamil Department of Mathematics Department of Tourism   Department of Computer Applications  Department of Commerce   Faculty      Admission   Admission Process View Prospectus College Rules & Regulations     Courses   Infrastructure    Library   Computer Laboratory  Play Ground  Ladies Retiring Room  Auditorium  Language Lab  Facilities       Activities    NIRF  ARIIA  Career Guidance & Placement Cell   Rotaract Club  NSS  RUSA  Red Ribbon Club   Youth Red Cross     IQAC   NAAC   Circulars   Gallery   Media College     Contact us           Department of Computer Applications        Departments Department of Computer Applications         About the Department  The Department of Computer Science offers Bachelor of Computer Applications (B.C.A) Program and was launched in the year 2010. The objective of the department is to attain a high quality computer literacy rate in the rural area and impart state-of-the-art computer techniques/technologies to the students from humble backgrounds. The department aims at equipping the students with computer skills that will help them to be creative, innovative and expert. Besides the curriculum based teaching-learning, the department also conducts workshops, seminars and guest lectures periodically for the students to be aware of the recent trends in the industry and compete efficiently in the global digital market. The faculty members of the department are highly skilled, well-experienced and dedicated towards teaching. Slow learners are identified by the Department and remedial classes are provided to the students. It is a fact of pride that the alumni of the department are currently serving at various prestigious avenues. The department has a well-equipped computer laboratory that is installed with features such as wall-mounted projector screen, audio/visual aids,high-configured computer systems with UPS-Power backup facility, 1:1 student to computer ratio and persistent high-speed internet connection. Faculty Profile           Mr. Vaithilingam M.Sc.,M.Phil., SET.  ASSISTANT PROFESSOR              Miss. Krithiga   M.Sc.,M.Phil., SET ASSISTANT PROFESSOR & HEAD               Mr. F.ANTONY JOSEPH *  B.Sc.Ed., MCA., M.Phil., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR              Mrs. J.VIJAYABARATHY * M.Sc., M.C.A., M.Phil., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR              Dr. M. Chitra *  M.Sc., Ph.D.,, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR              Dr.R. Vasundhara Devi *  M.C.A., M.Tech., Ph.D., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR          *Engaged temporarily against the existing vacancies on short-term contract (STC) basis                Copyright©2017,Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Arts College. All Rights Reserved Powered by TECHCELLENT SOLUTIONS